Emergency Dentistry

Accidents happen! We have the experience and preparation to handle them.

Accidents happen!

Come to a dentist who is experienced and prepared to handle them.

Whether its a chip from accidentally biting a fork, a piece of porcelain that broke off a crown, or trauma from a bicycle or sports injury, Dr. Britton can help.  Addressing the problem as early as possible often produces the most conservative, least costly, and best outcome.

You are not alone.

If you are a patient of record, Dr. Britton is available to you over the weekend.  His personal contact information is available on our answering service.

» Schedule a consultation

Swelling is a sign of infection.
Early treatment is the key.

Early treatment with antibiotics and root canal therapy is the fastest way to eliminate infection and avoid embarrassing and potentially dangerous complications. We have the latest technology to provide outstanding root canal therapy results.

» Emergency Root-Canal Therapy
» Schedule a consultation

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